CryptoAvatars Ecosystem

A welcoming documentation page introducing the various opportunities available for creators and NFT owners within the CryptoAvatars ecosystem.

We're excited to have you join the CryptoAvatars community! Whether you're a creator or an NFT owner, there's plenty to explore and enjoy in our ecosystem. This page serves as a brief introduction to the different features and possibilities available to you on CryptoAvatars.

Minting an Avatar on the Free For All (FFA) Collection

CryptoAvatars makes it easy to mint your own VRM avatar as an NFT. Simply connect your wallet, upload your VRM, and mint your avatar in the FFA collection.

Getting Verified and Minting on the Verified Collection

Skilled artists can apply for verification to access our Verified Collection. As a verified artist, you can showcase your skills, mint your avatars on the verified Ethereum contract, and enjoy other exclusive benefits.

Link Your VRM with Nexus

Nexus allows you to associate your custom VRM avatar with any NFT you own. Connect your wallet, select an NFT, and upload your VRM avatar file to link them together.

Project V1RAL

V1RAL is an innovative project aimed at providing VRM support to any NFT collection. With V1RAL, you can showcase your NFTs in style using a unique VRM avatar with a TV head that displays your NFT.

Nexus for Creators

We're allowing NFT creators to give VRM support to their collectors, there isn't an automated way to to this yet, so if you want to improve your creations with Nexus, hop on our Discord community and ask our team!

Dive into the CryptoAvatars ecosystem and unlock a world of possibilities for your NFTs and avatars!

Our Discord community

Last updated